Law Journal2023-12-08T15:16:56+0530Prof. P. Laxmi[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p><strong>Unitedworld Law Journal (UWLJ) is a peer-reviewed academic law journal bearing ISSN no-2457-0427, that aims at publishing high-quality original research work across a broad range of the interdisciplinary spectrum, ranging from research papers, articles, essays, book reviews, and case comments.</strong></p> GIRLS DON’T MAKE HISTORY”: A BRIEF ANALYSIS OF WOMEN’S MOVEMENTS FOR BASIC RIGHTS2023-12-08T12:54:33+0530Abhijit B[email protected]<p>The title of this article is inspired by the words of Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. What she meant was that women, who continued to live in oppression and refused to raise their voices, rarely got the chance to turn their lives around. This paper looks at how well before the racial, caste, and community fault lines were drawn, women were confined to domesticity. As a consequence, all the other divisions of discrimination just added to the oppression that women faced. Even access to Fundamental Rights such as the freedom of speech and expression are made available unequally to women.<br>A lot of the global feminist movements were led by women. There were however, various other protests and movements that were political and social in nature which acquired a feminist colour due to the overwhelming leadership exhibited by women in these cases. These protests have had a tangible and positive impact on the lives of women who fought for these rights and their descendants. This paper aims to study some of these movements that the world has witnessed. The authors then look at the responses of the State. This includes the judicial intervention as well as the legislative responses. The paper concludes with an analysis of the contemporary position of women and glance into the potential future</p>2023-12-08T00:00:00+0530Copyright (c) 2023 Unitedworld Law Journal STUDY ON THE INTERPLAY BETWEEN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENTAL LAW2023-12-08T15:01:21+0530Anchal Mittal Aggarwal[email protected]<p>The law relating to intellectual property promotes innovation and other human creations. Concomitantly, environmental law aims to protect the environment. Even though intellectual property rights are temporary grants given to the owner, IP has made a noteworthy contribution to addressing environmental issues. Erstwhile, the awareness of the environmental harm caused by a lot of the technology used in manufacturing, agriculture, and transportation has gained impetus, especially in the last twenty years. Other forms of technology, however, can lessen resource waste and reduce pollution. Therefore, the fundamental motto of intellectual property becomes extremely significant in attaining sustainable development. Sustainable development (SD) has environmental sustainability among the four of its pillar, which can be synergized through intellectual property. The relationship between the TRIPS agreement pertaining to intellectual property and environmental law is complex, but there are still deliberations over it. Simultaneously, the relationship among the WTO’s IP agreement and the (CBD) Convention on Biological Diversity has its focal point of in the Committee on Trade and Environment (CTE).<br>One fundamental principle of our economic system is that technological advancement is required to uphold and raise our standard of living, which involves the role of intellectual property and environmental law. Utilizing intellectual property to combat climate change is an area which needs to be promoted to achieve sustainable development. In this patents contribution is quintessential because more innovation will lead to saving resources and reduce pollution, though the issue of increased pollution levels due to innovation can’t be denied.<br>Use of intellectual property to enhance environmental protection, necessitates study into the connections between these two legal disciplines. This paper intends to identify the linkages, relationships, and lacuna between intellectual property and environmental law by adopting normative method of study.</p>2023-12-08T00:00:00+0530Copyright (c) 2023 Unitedworld Law Journal study of mental distress using Greene and Lee’s solution-oriented practice in Myanmar2023-12-08T15:03:47+0530Saw Ye Win Thu[email protected]Hsiu-Ching Chen[email protected]<p>This case study analyzes the mental distress of a university student during the pandemic and military coup in Myanmar. This qualitative study uses a deductive approach by practicing Greene and Lee's solution-oriented practice framework. The case conducted a semi-structured interview for data collection. Throughout the study, Greene and Lee's solution-oriented follows to assess the situation, set goals, strategize the solution pattern, implement the strategy, and follow up on the progress with the client. Based on the scope analysis, this study discovers the strengths and weaknesses of Greene and Lee's solution-oriented framework. This solution focuses on the client's capabilities to identify the resilience to overcome the problems. The client reserves the right to strategize how he prefers and steers the whole process. Therefore, it enhances the client's self-confidence to overcome the problem without trapping in the issues. Regarding weaknesses, it will not work if the client solely relies on the practitioners. Overall, this framework is relevant when mental health considers traditionally unaccepted since it carefully considers strengths.</p>2023-12-08T00:00:00+0530Copyright (c) 2023 Unitedworld Law Journal Food Security with BPL ration card holders - Issues and Challenges in Karnataka2023-12-08T15:07:03+0530Kavitha Christo Nelson[email protected]Usha Ravi[email protected]<p>India holds a historical tradition where its economy was highly influenced by agriculture and animal husbandry for sustenance and livelihood, but the current scenario paints a different picture. Today, India is limiting its agricultural resources from land, plant varieties, and other biological resources focusing more on improvising the non-agricultural establishments in and around the rural and forest areas. This causes a grave need to focus on the food security issue where the Right to Food is a guaranteed Human Right and Fundamental Right as interpreted under Article 21 of The Constitution of India and International Conventions. While the availability of food to all people is one concern, the food produced going to waste is another concern in combating food insecurity. A major section of India’s population still lives below the poverty line (BPL). Undernourishment and hunger deaths hold attention and priority in the Indian political system. The Right to Food is a Union’s concern. If one looks at the India State Hunger index specifically in the state of Karnataka, it is an alarming concern as it stands at 23.73. This research paper aims to spotlight the key issues and challenges of combating malnutrition and household food security among BPL ration card holders in Karnataka, where 61.33 percent reside in rural areas and 38.67 percent in urban areas. The research paper also proposes to focus on analyzing the lacunae and the need for the administration to foster household food security in concernment to human rights and public health. As ‘poverty breeds poverty,’ Household Food Security is an effort to combat poverty.</p>2023-12-08T00:00:00+0530Copyright (c) 2023 Unitedworld Law Journal Analysis of Same-sex adoption laws in India2023-12-08T15:11:18+0530Shreyas Vyas[email protected]<p>With the changing scenario in the 21st-century orientation of society is also changing. There are been various changes which are been coming in the society. Orientation and thinking about oneself are also changing with changing times. In the changing scenarios, things of people are also changing. The change is also bringing to light other neglected strata of society. The people who are attracted to the sex of their i.e. gay and lesbian. Transgender people are been considered different. In this article, there will be a discussion regarding the laws for adoption for same-sex couples in India. The article will discuss the past present and future of adoption laws for same same-sex in India. The article will also discuss the need for such types of laws in India at the constitutional level and the real spirit of the ethos of the constitution. If there will be any need of changing in present law that also will be suggested by the author. In the end, there will be discussed in what sense the need could be fulfilled with the existing law so that the present and future can coexist with each other.</p>2023-12-08T00:00:00+0530Copyright (c) 2023 Unitedworld Law Journal